Jochimowicz genealogicAL research

OUR Pricing

Genealogy services pricing

Full Genealogical Research:
Advance Payment: 20400 ₪ ($5000)

Full amount calculated after detailed examination of source materials.
Partial Genealogical Research:
Advance Payment: 8160 ₪ ($2000)

Full amount calculated after detailed examination of source materials.
Repatriation/ Immigration:
Advance Payment: 4080 ₪ ($1000)

Full amount calculated after detailed examination of source materials.
Filming family history movie:
Advance Payment: 40800 ₪ ($10000)
Book about your family:
Advance Payment: 32600 ₪ ($8000)
Design biographical website:
Advance Payment: 2040 ₪ ($500)
Genealogical map:
Advance Payment: 2040 ₪ ($500)
Wall History:
Advance Payment: 1630 ₪ ($400)
Genealogy tour:
Advance payment for tour concept development starts from 1220 ₪ ($300) per person.

Does not include expenses for transportation, accommodation, meals, and guide, as well as photo and video production.
Genealogy research guide
1020 ₪ (250$)
Individual design your family tree according to your wishes:
1420 ₪ (350$)
Please fill out the form, and our manager will contact you shortly

Make your family tree after free consultation

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