Jochimowicz genealogicAL research

Genealogy research: explore your history, creating family tree for you or as a gift

Genealogy research is a process that requires significant investment of time and resources, especially if you want to explore all direct lines of your family tree. Despite technological advancements, many archives are only accessible through personal visits. This involves air travel, relocation, hotel stays, and expenses for meals. Additionally, experience in communicating with archive staff plays a crucial role. Our organizational expertise will save you considerable time and resources.

We'll gather, analyze, and verify information from multiple sources and present it in your preferred format! Our center will handle all the routine work. You will receive a unique history of your family (typically spanning the last 300 years), as well as a detailed interpretation of DNA test results, uncovering your father's and mother's direct lines (usually within a range of 2000-4000 years). It's not a family legends passed down through generations, but history based on specific and official documents.




For those who want to confirm their hereditary rights, establish national affiliation, or supplement existing information about their genealogy. We will verify existing data, complement previous research, and help you refine your family tree.
The perfect choice for those who wish to discover their personal history and pass it on to future generations. We will conduct a search through all direct branches of your family tree, both from the paternal and maternal sides.
If you are looking for a legal opportunity to relocate from one country to another, we offer repatriation services. We will assist you in finding the necessary documents, conduct analysis based on the acquired data, and provide recommendations. Our team will do everything possible to facilitate the repatriation process and help you fulfill your desire to move to a new country.
Choose option of your genealogy research:

Create genealogy tree by your father and mother lines


Choose the format that best reflects your genealogy story and becomes a valuable legacy for your family
This format offers an exceptional opportunity to delve into your family history. It provides a captivating visual and auditory representation, allowing you to truly appreciate the depth and significance of your past.
Writing a book is a wonderful format for those who strive to literally experience history! A book is always at hand and allows you to contain a maximum amount of information. It combines printed text with photographs, creating a unique atmosphere and a sense of presence in the past.
A genealogical chart is an essential decoration for the walls of many sophisticated homes. It represents a compact and dignified format that combines archival information and DNA test results. The genealogical chart will visually depict your family history and help you discover your ancestors and roots.
A biographical website is a modern format that allows you to save and transmit your family's history to future generations! It's a perfect solution if you don't have a direct opportunity to personally pass on your family history to your descendants, and you can only hope that they will discover it on their own over time, whether by chance or intentionally.
This format offers an exceptional opportunity to delve into your family history. It provides a captivating visual and auditory representation, allowing you to truly appreciate the depth and significance of your past.
Writing a book is a wonderful format for those who strive to literally experience history! A book is always at hand and allows you to contain a maximum amount of information. It combines printed text with photographs, creating a unique atmosphere and a sense of presence in the past.
A genealogical chart is an essential decoration for the walls of many sophisticated homes. It represents a compact and dignified format that combines archival information and DNA test results. The genealogical chart will visually depict your family history and help you discover your ancestors and roots.
A biographical website is a modern format that allows you to save and transmit your family's history to future generations! It's a perfect solution if you don't have a direct opportunity to personally pass on your family history to your descendants, and you can only hope that they will discover it on their own over time, whether by chance or intentionally.
Second Stage:
Developing the script and determining key moments of the future story.
Organizing the home photo and video archive, sorting materials by time frames and formats.
First Stage:
Editing using the available material, incorporating voice-over text with approval and supplementation. Interviews with family members and their narratives. Conducting shoots in any part of the world and obtaining additional necessary footage.
Third Stage:
Process of making film about your family

How do we make a film about your family?

Second Stage:
Conducting interviews and translating the information into written format. Preliminary typesetting.
Compiling the photo material and creating a list of interviewees.
First Stage:
Determining the book format, paper specifications, and binding options. Printing.
Third Stage:
Opened book

How do we write your family history book?

Second Option:
We conduct a comprehensive genealogical research to create a genealogical chart of your family tree.
We create a genealogical chart of your family tree using the information you already have.
First Option:

How do we create a genealogical map of your family tree?

A biographical website includes your biography with partial genealogical information, as well as details about your experience and achievements. It's can be useful for creative professionals, businessman, and specialists in the field of science and technology.
Second Stage:
Collection and preparation of text and photo material.
Determining the structure of the site and its functionality.
First Stage:
Website design and layout development.
Third Stage:
Choosing a paid or free domain. Loading the Example Portfolio Website
Biografical website example
fourth stage:

How do we create your biographical website?

Passport in hand
Collecting missing information from archives up to 4 generations (great-grandparents).
Constructing a family tree from the information you currently have.
Analyzing the gathered data. Information about potential relocation options.

Check the possibility for repatriation based on your roots

first stage:
second stage:
third stage:
Please fill out the form, and our manager will contact you shortly

Make your family tree after free consultation

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