Jochimowicz genealogicAL research

Presentation genealogy research results: save your family history in convenient format

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Family book

Biographical website


Film about your family


Pass your history next generations with film or book about your family and ancestors

Together we'll create a captivating film that brings your history to life on the screen, a book that captures your family tree or biografical website where your personal history will be presented in an appealing format. You can design a stylish and memorable «wall history» or detailed genealogical map that visually represents the familial connections in your family. Also we offer photo editing for giving your family photos a fresh look and aesthetic appeal.

Entrust us presenting the results of your genealogy research and we will strive to give them the utmost significance as a testament to your ancestral history.
We help you share your genealogy research results through various formats
Second Stage:
Developing the script and determining key moments of the future story.
Organizing the home photo and video archive, sorting materials by time frames and formats.
First Stage:
Editing using the available material, incorporating voice-over text with approval and supplementation. Interviews with family members and their narratives. Conducting shoots in any part of the world and obtaining additional necessary footage.
Third Stage:
Process of making film about your family

How do we make a film about your family?

Second Stage:
Conducting interviews and translating the information into written format. Preliminary typesetting.
Compiling the photo material and creating a list of interviewees.
First Stage:
Determining the book format, paper specifications, and binding options. Printing.
Third Stage:
Opened book

How do we write your family history book?

Second Option:
We conduct a comprehensive genealogical research to create a genealogical chart of your family tree.
We create a genealogical chart of your family tree using the information you already have.
First Option:

How do we create a genealogical map of your family tree?

A biographical website includes your biography with partial genealogical information, as well as details about your experience and achievements. It's can be useful for creative professionals, businessman, and specialists in the field of science and technology.
Second Stage:
Collection and preparation of text and photo material.
Determining the structure of the site and its functionality.
First Stage:
Website design and layout development.
Third Stage:
Choosing a paid or free domain. Loading the Example Portfolio Website
Biografical website example
fourth stage:

How do we create your biographical website?

Second step:
Representation of the painted layout of the installation in the interior.
An initial meeting is scheduled via a video conference. The volume of available material is discussed. Inspection of the interior and the wall that is supposed to be taken away for the installation.
First step:
Printing, manufacturing of frames.
Third step:

How do we CREATE Wall history?

Mounting on the wall.
fourth step:
Examples of works. Classic retro design, modern strict style. Published with the permission of the customer.
Please fill out the form, and our manager will contact you shortly

Make beautiful design of your family tree for you or as a gift

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