Services Jochimowicz genealogicAL research

Start your genealogy research, create book about your family and travel to places, your ancestors lived

our services
Start your genealogy research, create book about your family and travel to places, your ancestors lived
We offer a step-by-step guide for independent research, exciting genealogy tours to the places where your ancestors lived and, of course, a comprehensive genealogy research covering both your paternal and maternal lineages


Discover the fascinating world of genealogy that will change your life. Our research will allow you to explore your ethnic composition based on a DNA test spanning the last 300-500 years, as well as trace your genealogical heritage back thousands of years through direct maternal and paternal lineages. You will gain access to archival records and documents that will not only evoke new emotions but also hold potential material value. Allow yourself to unlock the doors to the past and become the custodian of your own history, as not everyone has the opportunity to access their roots.
The perfect choice for those who aim to optimize their research expenses and derive enjoyment from playing the role of an investigator! With the video lectures and step-by-step instructions you will discover the secrets of effective search in archival records, learn where to look for the information you need and how work with it. Personal guide is based on just your tasks and goals of the genealogical research.

Genealogy research guide

Do you already have the results of your genealogical research? We can assist you in documenting them in the desired presentation! We offer various options, including the creation of an engaging film, the compilation of a captivating book, the development of a biographical website or a stylish «wall history».

Presentation of research results

Genealogy tourism

Immerse yourself in the history of your ancestors with our individual and family tours to their places of residence. You will be accompanied by an experienced guide who will help uncover all the secrets and enjoy unique experiences from historical buildings, learn about the local culture, and indulge in authentic cuisine. Throughout the tour, we will organize all logistics and provide you with photo and video materials to preserve the memories of your trip for a long time.
Magnifier - genealogy website
Video lectures
Sights in new city - root tourism
Old photos in frame - creating your family tree

our services will help you uncover your family history

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